IBM, Variable Magazine

IBM’s culture magazine, Variable, is distributed quarterly to 70 locations in 20+ countries. Since 2017, I have designed and/or illustrated for 10 articles, including: a poetry anthology, an ode to sleep, apocalyptic short-stories and a record of fashion trends across history.

Editorial designer, illustrator, NYC studio ambassador.
30 designers, writers and editors; plus special contributors.
”How’d You Sleep” 
”Change History, but Make it Fashion”
“It Came from the Future” 
”Spoiler Alert” 
”Fluorescent Dreams”
and 5 more...

A culture magazine for the global IBM community

From 2017-2020, I was a contributor to IBM’s Variable Magazine. As a member of the core team, I contributed to issues through
illustration, print design and determining content. Over the years, Variable has become a core part of IBM’s design culture, and has helped create a sense of global community. When I moved to the Astor studio, I had the unique opportunity to get more NYC designers involved in the magazine. 

Working on Variable was one of the most unique projects I’ve gotten to work on as a designer, and I cherish the work and community the design and editorial team helped build!